I prefer the original UK title ‘Non-Stop’ to the American version shown here. Though both appropriate, ‘Non-Stop’ has a better feel in regards to a generational starship…imho.
This is my first venture into this sub-genre but one I’ve been interested in for some time. I’m fascinated by a journey that would take generations to complete. Complications, naturally, would arise between beginning and end of that journey.
There is a solid history to this sub-genre and I’ve decided to start the exploration here with Aldiss, and why not? Just prior to leaving Colorado I had read this entry in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science Fiction by John Clute and was intrigued.
‘Brian Aldiss has been likened to his friend and colleague J. G. Ballard more often than either could probably care to recall. But Ballard writes dense, monomaniac books, attacking the same themes again and again, and his work cuts deep and narrow, while Aldiss has an exuberant, gregarious, far-seeking imagination, rarely repeats himself, and writes a great deal. He is harder, therefore, to pin down. In the end, however, he is almost certainly a more significant figure than his dark twin.’
I thought I had a copy of Starship in the boxes of Neutral Good books but I was mistaken. Fortunately I found a copy in Fargo last week and now I’m aboard ‘Ship’ and moving through ‘ponics towards ‘Forwards’.
‘I don’t mind you thinking I’m stupid, but don’t talk to me like I’m stupid.’
Ellison was hired as a writer for Walt Disney Studios, but was fired on his first day after Roy O. Disney overheard him in the studio commissary joking about making a pornographic animated film featuring Disney characters.
Ellison on occasion used the pseudonym Cordwainer Bird to alert members of the public to situations in which he felt his creative contribution to a project had been mangled beyond repair by others, typically Hollywood producers or studios. Ellison said, in interviews and in his writing, that his version of the pseudonym was meant to mean “a shoemaker for birds” or that it is of as much use as shoes to a bird. Stephen King once said he thought that it meant that Ellison was giving people who mangled his work a literary version of “the bird”.
Book One of ‘A Case of Conscience’ (as I understand) is the original novella published in the September 1953 issue of IF: Worlds of Science Fiction. If the story had ended there I would have had plenty to think on, let alone to deal with that stunning end. Fortunately there is a whole second book ahead of me as I devour this fantastic bit of ‘sci-fi’.
On and on the text ran, becoming more tangled, more evil, more insoluble with every word.
Almost all knowledge, after all, fell into that category. It was either perfectly simple once you understood it, or else it fell apart into fiction… all knowledge goes through both stages, the annunciation out of the noise into fact, and the disintegration back into noise again. The process involved was the making of increasingly finer distinctions. The outcome was an endless series of theoretical catastrophes.
All that remained of it was a sensation, almost the taste of the words, but nothing of their substance.
Belief and science aren’t mutually exclusive — quite the contrary. But if you place scientific standards first, and exclude belief, admit nothing that’s not proven, then what you have is a series of empty gestures.
And the price we paid was the price men have always paid for achieving a paradise in this life — we went soft, we lost our edge.
Then, as the planet killed him, it occurred to Kynes that his father and all the other scientists were wrong, that the most persistent principles of the universe were accident and error.
Yet, it is possible to see peril in the finding of ultimate perfection. It is clear that the ultimate pattern contains its own fixity. In such perfection, all things move toward death.
The differences in the ways he comprehended the universe haunted him — accuracy matched with inaccuracy. He saw it in situ. Yet, when it was born, when it came into the pressures of reality, the now had its own life and grew with its own subtle differences.
How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him.
UMMA: One of the brotherhood of prophets. (A term of scorn in the Imperium, meaning any “wild” person given to fanatical prediction.)
“Do you have any idea who this Muad’Dib could be?” the Emperor asked.
“One of the Umma, surely,” the Baron said. “A Fremen fanatic, a religious adventurer. They crop up regularly on the fringes of civilization. Your Majesty knows this.”
The eye that looks ahead to the safe course is closed forever.
“I never knew the city man could be trusted completely,” Stilgar said. “I was a city man myself once,” Paul said.
These city people have Fremen blood. It’s just that they haven’t yet learned how to escape their bondage. We’ll teach them.
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free.But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
The Fremen have a saying they credit to Shai-hulud, Old Father Eternity, ‘Be prepared to appreciate what you meet.’
And always, he fought the temptation to choose a clear, safe course, warning, ‘That path leads ever down into stagnation.’
Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past me I will turn to see fear’s path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
To stop, to rest…truly rest. It occurred to her that mercy was the ability to stop,if only for a moment. There was no mercy where there could be no stopping.
I should’ve suspected trouble when the coffee failed to arrive.
‘Not idly do the leaves of Lorien fall’…The hell you say!
Shortly after returning from our trip to Arkansas at the end of August we noticed a marked change in the days here in Minnesota, most notably the temperatures. Though still very mild and pleasant we began to feel Autumn’s approach. Looking across the lake at the shoreline I began to see hints of a change in the trees, early adopters were beginning to show color.
As the remaining weeks of summer ticked down to the solstice and into an earnest start of Autumn, recreational activities on a lake have waned. More and more lake folk have pulled in their docks and boats, including us.Lawn furniture is being put away.North winds off the lake have increased in volume and strength. Hunter’s shotguns thump in the dawn now, duck season has begun. The first frost of the year, albeit light, paid us visit last Sunday morning.A general quieting around the lake has taken hold.
So with all that and after taking a realistic look at what was happening in our little world we have decided it best to stay here for the winter. There are many reasons for the decision, far too many for me to talk to here and honestly, I’m exhausted from thinking through it at this point. So, like all the other unplanned and unexpected things this year we are excepting it and planning to use this time to our advantage. There are a lot of things that have been neglected over the years that simply needed time to sort through. We now have that time and by all graces a place to live rent free.
That said, we are making a quick run back to Denver to pick up much needed winter gear and clothing, and a restock of essential items that are difficult to find, expensive to purchase or are out right unavailable in this area. We’re also bringing back items to keep ourselves occupied, work that can be done indoors, more books to read and a puzzle or six. We will drive back a vehicle we left there in storage, to have a second car…just in case.
I’m not sure how I feel about any of this, it may be a real bummer being back there again and quickly leaving it…again.
This year, man…bane or boon? TBD.
* * *
Fall: an apt descriptor
Now, back from Denver we return to the chores of winterizing and getting ready for it all. Part of those chores is the raking of the leaves, and more leaves and still more leaves. It’s honest work, enjoyable in a fashion and gives me time to think about stuff and nonsense, notably my age and the aches and pains that no longer go away with a nights sleep.
Normally I don’t listen to music when I’m outside but the last few days I’ve put on the headphones and got lost in my choice of music. I recently acquired the sound tracks for Record of Lodoss War, physical media of course, 3 CDs, of which I quickly ripped down to mp3 so I could listen to on my phone. I know there’s something impractical about that whole process but for the life of me I can’t figure out what.
RoLW was one of the first, if not the first ‘Japanimation’ I watched and it really left a mark on me. It’s still one of my favorites. A fine soundtrack that pairs nicely with fall yard work. Of particular note,’Parn’s Theme ~ Warm Friendship’ from Volume 1. I love the scene where Parn and Etoh are reunited in the 2nd episode and this piece is played. If you don’t know it, maybe…you…should…watch it?
* * *
King of The Woods
The following day I began a second round of leafing and queued up another fall favorite of mine, Korpiklaani’s ‘Korven Kuningas’.
I’m not sure what those boys are singing about but I sing along as best I can, making up invented ‘Finnish sounding’ words as I go along. That got me thinking about a time I listened to this album and made up my own titles for all the songs. Whatever spoke to me from the music or whatever I felt got jotted down as it’s new title. Honestly I didn’t know, still don’t, the actual title names as most of them are in Finnish.
Below are the actual titles vs. mine.Number 3, ‘Keep on Galloping’ I titled ‘Kyraath’ which is my friend’s gaming name. I’ve always associate that song with him…blasting it as we drove into the CO Ren Fest parking lotmay be the reason. The rest are fairly straight forward with the exception of one more made up word ‘Myupching’. Not clear on that one but, there ya go.
Surprisingly, I was damn close with what I called ‘Northern Hearth’.
I’m really not the type of person who knows every song title or band members name anyways, even with bands I listen to a lot. Hell, I’d be hard pressed to name song titles from The Sword with any accuracy…and those are in English for fuck’s sake…and I LOVE The Sword’s work!
‘Born a Ghost’ Some guy in a band I listen to.
Anyway, I dig Korpiklaani and Korven may be my favorite by them.
* * *
The RoLW soundtracks and Korpiklaani have been good company and no doubt over the course of the next few weeks there will be others I listen to and may make note of. Eventually I’ll get a majority of the leaves raked up, call it quits and get ready for the next thing to be moved off the ground. Which reminds me, I need to get the snow blower tuned up but quick.
What shall I be listening to when the snow falls?
Does that question really need to be asked?
Winter’s Wolves…I know that one bitches! Bring It On!